
Media Contacts Database List and Directory, Atlanta GA

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Data Type: All
Area / Location: Atlanta, GA
No. of Records: 1900+
File Type: CSV



Metro Atlanta is the ninth-largest media market in the United States. Not very long ago, metro Atlanta was the eighth- or seventh-largest market, with over 2.3 million TV households and 4.3 million people aged 12+. According to Nielsen Media Research, it ranked eighth in television broadcasting, having recently slightly surpassed the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, and not far behind the South Florida metropolitan area). According to Arbitron, it ranked seventh in radio broadcasting, now just ahead of the Philadelphia metropolitan area and not far behind the greater Houston/Galveston metropolitan area.

Cox Enterprises, a privately held company, has substantial media holdings in and beyond Atlanta. Its Cox Communications division is the nation’s third largest cable television service provider;  the company also publishes over a dozen daily newspapers in the United States, including The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. WSB AM, the flagship station of Cox Radio, was the first broadcast station in the South.

Database Particulars:

Atlanta 1982
Cable network 301
Cable program 42
Cable station 36
Cable, regional bureau 5
College newspaper 29
Freelance journalist 13
Industry research organization 16
Magazine, consumer 179
Magazine, news and business 37
Magazine, trade/technical 284
News Agency/Wire service 10
News Agency/Wire service, regional bureau 32
Newsletter, consumer 11
Newsletter, trade 71
Newspaper 235
Newspaper, regional bureau 12
Online broadcaster 3
Online news source 50
Online publication 12
Organization 1
Publication, academic/scientific 20
Radio network 32
Radio program 24
Radio station 285
Radio, regional bureau 7
Television network 5
Television program 19
Television station 196
Television, regional bureau 8
Weblog 7

Fields Contained within the Database:
